AI Takes Over: Oxford, Cambridge, and Merriam-Webster’s ‘Word of the Year’


  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) is dominating ‘word of the year’ lists at Oxford, Cambridge, and Merriam-Webster for the first time where typically cultural terminology wins the title.
  • Reflecting societal and global emphasis on AI, the trend signifies the importance technology is attaining in our day-to-day language and thinking.
  • Publications from both within and outside the typically tech-focused sectors are increasingly reporting on AI topics as it merges deeper into mainstream discourse.
  • Implication: Our society’s understanding and engagement with AI are growing at an unprecedented rate. Increased awareness may lead to significant societal, economic, and technological transformations.


With ‘Artificial Intelligence’ taking the champions crown on words-of-the-year lists across major language authorities like Oxford, Cambridge, and Merriam-Webster dictionary, one thing becomes clear – the growing influence and dominance of technology in our common lexicon and everyday lives. Overtaking typically cultural or political terms, this trend suggests more than semantic prominence; it shows the fundamental shift society is making towards an AI-centric world.

Linguistic shifts often reflect the changing currents of societal thinking, and with AI emerging as a topical choice, it underlines the pressing exploration of AI’s impact and possibilities within the public sphere. Both tech and non-tech publications are showcasing AI-focused stories, underlining the breath of its influence on global dynamics. The impact of AI on our future – from infrastructure, economy, to social structures, seems to be rewriting the narrative across sectors.


It’s noteworthy that AI’s significance symbolically extends beyond the realm of scientific advancements and directly into our natural language, pushing boundaries within our collective consciousness. This linguistic milestone subtly showcases the intimate relationship between technology and society. Perhaps as our vocabulary reflects an increasing engagement with AI, our competency and understanding of these complex systems will also grow, overcome apprehensions, and shape a future where man and machine coexist harmoniously.

Moreover, the global significance relegated to AI encapsulates its potential to reshape our societal frameworks fundamentally and holistically. Now, the pressing question is – are we ready to navigate the promising yet challenging landscape of AI-driven future?


Source: TechCrunch