EU’s Provisional Deal on Gig Worker Rights Lacks Member State Support


– The European Union’s provisional agreement on new rights for gig workers did not secure enough support from Member States to advance.
– The proposed worker directive aimed to offer gig workers more comprehensive protection, including setting maximum working hours and providing access to collective bargaining.
– Since the proposal didn’t gather enough backing, it will be reconsidered under France’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, starting in January 2024.
– The inability to secure a majority agreement reflects the ongoing controversy around gig workers’ rights and their precarious employment status.
– Some gig economy giants like Uber and Deliveroo feel that the proposed regulations could impede their operating models. Others argue that the worker directive is necessary for ensuring fair treatment and fostering a more sustainable gig economy.


The European Union recently attempted to establish new rights for gig workers. While the core ideas behind this plan were solid – the implementation of maximum working hours, a more extensive coverage of protection, and enabling collective bargaining, just to name a few – it seems they were a bit too ambitious for the time being. The lack of broad support from Member States leaves the gig worker directive stalled, for now.

It’s not particularly surprising with the interests at play in this sector. The gig economy boasts huge companies like Uber and Deliveroo, which could find their business models at odds with comprehensive workers’ rights. However, on the other side, there’s an important ethical question over whether denying workers’ rights is simply unsustainable.

As we look forward, the gig worker directive will now have to be revivified under France’s upcoming Presidency of Council of EU starting January 2024. This monumental task will undoubtedly spark a new series of discussions and debates around gig workers’ rights.


In my perspective, while it may pose challenges to the gig economy’s existing business models, prioritizing workers’ rights is a non-negotiable necessity. Ensuring that those who make these services possible are not left vulnerable should be central to how these platforms operate.

Gig companies must find a way to quite literally ‘deliver’ without shortchanging their workforce. The reevaluation of the directive under France’s Presidency may just be the catalyst needed to move this conversation forward.

What do you think? Can we find a beneficial balance between gig workers’ rights and maintaining the current operational capacity of gig economy platforms?


Source: [TechCrunch](